In the early 1990s, Dr. Alex Jalkh, an assistant professor in Ophthalmology at Harvard Medical School in Boston, had the idea of establishing a specialized Eye & Ear hospital in Lebanon, the first of its kind in the eastern Mediterranean area. A clinician researcher, Dr. Jalkh a very close collaborator to Dr. Charles Schepens who is the father and inventor of retinal detachments surgery and who was elected by the American academy of ophthalmology as the most prominent ophthalmologist of the 20th century. Dr. Jalkh spent 20 years as a Vitreoretinal specialist at the Massachusetts Eye and Ear infirmary and at the Schepens Eye Research institute, two Harvard medical school institutions where he worked in research as a scientist particularly developing laser technology in the eye and in teaching as director of the fellowship program in Retina and Vitreous surgery.
The opening ceremony of the eye and ear hospital took place in October 1995 in the presence of many Lebanese officials and known medical figures from Lebanon. And with the participation of Dr. Kenneth Kenyon, professor in ophthalmology at the Massachusetts Eye and Ear infirmary and Harvard medical school in Boston.